Spice Up Your Outdoor Garden With Simple DIY Garden Decorations

The great thing about DIY gardening is that it doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether your garden has an old-fashioned vibe, has a whimsical, futuristic feel, or simply looks more classical, there are many projects that suit your style perfectly. For those of you who enjoy upcycling, here’s a list of fun DIY gardening projects.

Have you ever seen those butterfly feeders with the little live caterpillars on them? You can create a DIY garden of rock and river rocks to make your own habitat for these critters. As long as you’ve got ample access to water and shelter, a few butterflies will do the trick. To make your rock garden, simply gather a few river rocks, moisten them with water, and then place them in a container.

Are your wooden planters rusty from all of the gardening they’ve been through? Instead of replacing them, why not treat them to a coat of resin paint? By using recycled materials, your planters will last longer and look better than ever. For wooden planters, I recommend using pots with handles, so that you won’t have to carry them around.

As summer turns into fall and winter turns into spring, you’re probably getting antsy for the flowers your garden needs to keep its appeal during the colder months. A simple DIY vertical fence project with colorful plants will give your home a fresh, vibrant look no matter what time of year it is. In addition to giving your home a new look, these types of DIY vertical fence planters will also provide fresh, flower-free flowers throughout the colder months.

Are you tired of having to keep an eye on your tomato plants because they are overflowing with leaves? It’s time to change that! Instead of removing those leaves, cut them off the stem and use them as a mulch instead. Using leftover leaves, spread some coarse pine bark on the ground under your tomatoes and basil to keep the plant from drying out in the hot summer sun. A simple DIY garden project like this one will give you more time to spend tending to your garden, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your plants won’t be dying.

Are you tired of the grass growing up around your fence post? If so, try to grow grass on the post, or perhaps create a small garden in the grass by building a trellis. Either way, your grass will grow back, keeping the grass and dirt away from your prized plants. Many people choose to build a vinyl or PVC fence because it is easy to clean, doesn’t require any tools and can be repaired almost instantly if damage occurs. If your fence needs to be repaired because of damage, a simple DIY project like this one can save you money on fencing materials and make sure that you and your family stay safe.

One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to spruce up an outdoor garden is by using outdoor garden globes using simple DIY materials. You don’t need to go buy expensive yard art or pay a professional. You can get beautiful garden decorations in just about any size, shape or color from spray paint, markers and stamps. You can even use colored pencils to draw on your garden globes!

Spreading colorful garden markers around your flower beds, using simple wooden stakes to stake wooden pots and cacti, using wooden spades to dig up your garden soil and spreading organic matter between the holes, using wooden spades to level and plow your garden soil, using plastic trash bags to collect rain water, are all simple and easy DIY projects that can be completed in just a few hours time. If you enjoy gardening, playing in the dirt, watching plants grow and watching them mature then you will appreciate the joy of decorating your own garden with simple yet creative garden decorations. There is nothing more relaxing than spending a few hours in your yard, taking time to relax by the fire and listening to the wonderful sound of flowing water.

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