How to Clean a Toilet Tank Without Causing Damage

Experts suggest cleansing your toilet tank at least twice a year in order to avoid mildew, corrosion, and mild rust and to prevent a build up of hard mineral deposits that can cause the clogging of waste pipes and plumbing fixtures. If left unchecked, not only will such unsanitary conditions permeate through the bathroom wall and plumbing lines, but the porcelain fixtures themselves could corrode and even rust over time. This build up can result in a dangerous condition known as bathroom sink rust which requires professional intervention. A similar problem which is less severe but just as unsanitary is bathtub and shower mud.


These disgusting mixtures can clog sinks and bathroom drain pipes, as well as harbor bacterial growth. Such clogs pose serious threats to both sanitation and health, so it is vital that regular maintenance is performed on these drains. However, cleaning a toilet tank is usually beyond the means of the average homeowner, especially since it requires opening and closing the plumbing system to access the interior. That is why more homeowners are now calling upon expert plumbers to take care of this necessary maintenance.


The best time to perform this necessary task when faced with how to clean a toilet tank and other fixtures is when the weather begins to become cold. A regular warm-season cleaning session can actually be harmful for the plumbing system, since hot water could cause corrosion and damage. Instead, experts advise soaking the pipes and fittings in warm soapy water for a few minutes before beginning a cleaning session. Drainage clogs are often caused by how to clean a toilet tank and other fixtures when they become dirty and clogged. To ensure that all buildup is removed from your drain pipes, a plumber may recommend using a chemical drain cleaner.


Another cause of buildup can be rust. While it is impossible to keep rust away from your toilet tank, you can do your part in keeping it clean. Regularly check the seal between the toilet tank and the drain pipe for cracks or signs of wear. This allows moisture to slowly seep into your plumbing system and cause rust, which in turn promotes the growth of mold and mildew. If at any point you see signs of rust or signs of damage, you should immediately consult a plumber. A plumber will be able to determine whether there is an appropriate cleaning solution for your particular toilet tank and guide you through the proper steps of maintenance.


Sometimes, however, your toilet’s water valve is clogged with mineral deposits. This condition is most common during periods when the tank is not in use and can be caused by improper flushing practices. As water pressure builds up in the tank, the valve often becomes stuck, preventing the water from emptying out of the tank. To prevent this condition from developing, you should make sure that you always use the lowest water setting possible whenever you flush the tank. This will prevent water from building up in the bottom of the tank and causing your fixtures to clog up.


Fortunately, there are many other ways of how to clean toilet tank mold without having to resort to harsh household chemicals. In fact, one of the best ways to combat against the growth of black and greenish mold in your bathroom is to simply make use of vinegar. Of course, you will need to dilute the vinegar before you use it, as it will not do much good if you apply too much of it. But applying a couple of cups of vinegar a week to the inside of your tank along with some rags will do wonders to keep the buildup down to a minimum.


The second step on how to clean a toilet tank involves using liquid disinfectant solutions. These solutions work best if they contain hydroquinone as their active ingredient. Unfortunately, these solutions tend to bleach furniture and fabric as well as bleach the bathroom itself. Fortunately, there are numerous products out there that contain only chlorine dioxide as their active ingredient, which is far easier on both the environment and your skin. Simply follow the instructions on the bottle on how to combine these two ingredients together and you will be able to safely disinfect your tank without having to worry about bleaching your bathroom.


The third and final step on how to clean toilet tank stains involves adding water to your bathtub and soaking your tank. Afterward, simply soak the area in plain warm water for a few minutes. You can then rinse this water out and dry it out, just like you would with any other stain. Once you have successfully cleaned your tank, you may want to consider purchasing a low pH neutral cleaner. These products are designed to break down the materials that make up your tank so they will be more manageable when rinsed. This can help you avoid future problems by helping to ensure that your bathroom remains squeaky clean at all times.

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