You can even create trellises for the garden using a DIY Tomato Cage! If you like to maintain those lovely fresh tomato plants, here are some gorgeous DIY Tomato Cage and stake ideas you could use! With just a bit of ingenuity, some space, and a bit of time, you could create this beautiful trellis for your garden. A trellis is usually constructed with posts or wooden beams which are supported by slats or wooden posts. Some trellis styles have a single beam and some have double beams.
To make the DIY tomato cages, first prepare the ground properly by removing the grass and sod from the area where you intend to plant your tomatoes. You can also use a wire fence for this purpose. The next step is to prepare the wooden posts or beams for the trellis using a hammer. Use nails of the appropriate size to avoid splinters. Paint them with primer before sticking them to the ground.
Once you have prepared the wooden posts and beams, assemble the two sides of the diy tomato cage using the screws and drywall anchors. The four corners should be joined together. When you find the right spots for the trellis, mark them with a pencil. The wire should be run around the cage on one end to serve as a guide for the wiring of the cage on the other end.
Before starting to assemble the diy tomato cage, it is advisable to measure and cut the required number of wires according to the required length and width. Now apply a layer of black paint to one side of the twox2 boards. Now apply the two layers of black paint using the supplied sponge and then again drywall anchors on the exposed side. The exposed board should be securely held in place.
Before fixing the trellis onto the twox2 boards, cut small pieces of wood that are enough to hold the trellis together. Use the nails of the screw gun to fasten the wooden strips across the bottom board and over the wire. This will ensure that the tomatoes stay in place when the trellis is being assembled. It is now time to assemble the main part of the diy tomato cage: the support frame. Use the nails and screws provided with the support frame to fix the supports onto the twox2 boards. Paint the frame with a white primer before sticking the tomato plants on it.
If you intend to make your own diy tomato cage design, the available free woodworking plans provide all the necessary information. You just need to follow the guidelines carefully. The first step is calculating the space required by the plants. A good spacing for the plants is two to three feet.
The second step is to choose a good quality of tomato cages. There are various styles and sizes. Some cages have slatted sides or gaps. Select a model that best suits your needs and garden space. You can even choose to buy ready-made diy tomato cages from any good home improvement store.
The last step is to choose and place the three-dimensional models of your chosen tomatoes in the holes. Use the wood glue to adhere the whole structure to the ground. Before fixing it up, make sure to anchor all the posts using the wood screws and to screw them all down with the small wood pieces. With a dry tomato cage and a good quality tomato plant, you and your family can enjoy fresh tomatoes all year long.