There are many reasons why DIY fire pits are a great way to add warmth to your home or outdoor area. Many people who are looking for a new alternative to traditional fireplaces have discovered that they can be a great way to entertain family and friends without having to purchase or design a permanent outdoor space. There are many different types of fire pits that you can build for a fraction of the cost of a custom outdoor fireplace.
The first type of diy fire pit, we will look at is the simple one-person fire pit. It is simple to build, but you do not have to be an expert designer or professional masonry contractor to have one of these outdoor spaces on your property. Nearly every day fire pit on this gallery will cost between $50 and $ 150. The key to these low prices is the simple construction materials used to shape the fire pits, including concrete, bricks, pavers, and retaining walls. You can create a beautiful patio instantly with just these few simple building materials.
To get started on your day fire pit project, all you need is a circle of a few feet around your circle of patio or deck area. You can make the circle from concrete blocks or stone. However, using a concrete circle, stone, or some other material will help the fire pit last much longer and stay flame consistent.
The next step in the construction process is to build a ring of retaining wall blocks surrounding the circle you created using the first set of concrete bricks or pavers. After you have your initial ring of brick or stone formed, you will want to place the first row of stone or brick around the perimeter of the circle. This is where the actual burning part of the diy fire pit will be located. From here you will want to continue to place retaining walls around the outer edge of your circle.
The last step in building your diy fire pit is to place a large flat metal planter onto the inner edge of the retaining wall. The purpose of this metal planter is to help define the shape of the area that surrounds the flames. Using the flat metal planter as a guide, you will begin to place the stone bricks or pavers onto the planter and then place the stone in the ground securely. This entire process should only take you a few hours’ time at most.
Once you finish your DIY fire pit project, you will notice that the backyard fire pit is finished! Your final step is to line the patio with bricks or pavers once the stones have been placed securely around the outer edge. Then, using a flat shovel, remove the burned areas of the bricks or pavers and place them into an urn or other container for safekeeping. Once you are finished, walk out to your backyard and enjoy the beauty that your creation has added to your backyard landscape.
Building DIY fire pits can be fun and add a lot to your backyard. If you are looking for a project to get into that doesn’t require a significant investment, or to which you can control the design, you may consider making fire pits with marshmallows. While it may take some work to assemble the marshmallows, the effort will be worth it when you sit down with a nice campfire during the late evenings.
When looking at diy fire pit kits, there are several things you should look for. First, the kit should contain the proper materials for the size of your circle. The kit should also contain the bricks or pavers needed for each level around the base. And, of course, the kit should include the tools necessary to construct the basic structure, including the angle brackets, floor joists, the concrete floor, roof, and so on. You should also look for instructions in how to construct a DIY fire pit from bricks or pavers.