DIY monthly kits offer dozens of options to keep you busy. You can try your hand at knitting or woodworking, or art projects like sketching and painting. Monthly kits also allow you to spend quality family time together, bonding over projects that are both fun and educational. Here are some fun and inexpensive DIY projects to keep you busy! Interested? Sign up for one today! You may be surprised by what you find!
DIY Laundry Basket Skee Ball with ball pit balls
Create a DIY Laundry Basket Skee Ball for the kids by using a cardboard ramp to roll a ball up the ramp and into the laundry baskets. The goal of the game is to land the ball into the laundry basket. Make sure to kneel while rolling the ball, as the lower you roll the ball, the higher the score. The closer the basket to the starting point, the more points you receive.
You can also use a large cardboard box to hold your balls and glue them to your clothes baskets. You can also get some 100 or 200 sized balls from cardstock and use these to create ramps for your laundry basket skee ball. Once the balls are stuck to the laundry baskets, you’re ready to play! Play a few games of laundry basket skee ball with your kids and get some exercise while you’re at it.
Another fun game is to use copy paper to make a ramp. Have your children write down the number of points they want to receive for each roll. If you don’t have these materials, improvise by using something around the house. If you don’t have the materials listed, you can still create a game of basket basketball with your kids. It’s a fun activity for the whole family.
Then, you can add a third bucket or laundry basket. It adds higher points for different distances. For an even more exciting game, add a third bucket or laundry basket for an extra challenge. This way, they can compete with each other and win! The possibilities are endless! You can make a laundry basket skee ball using items around the house. If you’d like, you can even hide a few around the house.
DIY Lava Lamp
Kids can make a DIY Lava Lamp with vegetable oil, food coloring, and antacid tablets. This activity is both fun and educational, and it can be a great way to get kids involved in STEM or art projects. For another fun activity, kids can experiment with different materials and create their own print designs. Sensory bins are a great way to engage children while learning about color, texture, and shape.
A clear plastic bottle can work for this project. Simply fill the bottle to about 1/3 full with water, then pour in the cooking oil. Allow the mixture to cool for a few hours before adding any more food colouring. If you want to experiment with different colours, add different amounts of food coloring to create unique designs. You can also add silver glitter. You can use a phone torch or flat torch to light the bottom of the bottle.
Using household materials, kids can make a DIY Lava Lamp. The activity is fun and inexpensive and a great science experiment. Students can measure and observe the density of different substances, which is a key part of STEM. They can also practice measuring by using a measuring spoon to determine how much water to add. When they’re done, they can record the results and observe the changes in color, size, and shape.
After adding cooking oil and coloring tablets, the antacid tablet will start to dissolve in the water. It will shoot colorful bubbles up to the top of the bottle. Repeat this process several times until you’ve achieved the desired color. This activity can also be repeated by the kids, as the result is always fun and exciting! Once the experiment is completed, kids can try it out with their friends.
DIY Art Easel
If you are looking for an inexpensive project that will keep the kids busy, then you can make your own DIY Art Easel. It’s easy to build and will look fantastic in any backyard environment. It has two sides for the kids to draw and write on, and it comes with compartments for the art supplies. To make your own DIY Art Easel, you will need basic woodworking skills and a tutorial.
You can use recycled cardboard or buy a ready-made one. If you are pressed for cash, you can download a free template to make one. Other materials you will need to make your own DIY Art Easel include cardboard, a cutting surface, scissors, and a marker. To make the DIY Art Easel, you can follow a video that walks you through the entire build process.
It is common to find art easels at hardware stores, but the price is prohibitive for most parents. If you are determined, however, you can make your own DIY Art Easel. Getting an easel can be as simple as asking a local hardware specialist for advice. You can even use scrap wood to build your DIY Art Easel. Once you’ve made it, you can paint it to make it look sturdier and more appealing to the kids.
You can build your own DIY Art Easel using pine wood. Just be sure to find an adjustable one, which is convenient for anyone. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully. The project is easy to do with the right guide and instructions. The materials include pine wood, screws, rope, and dowel. A video tutorial will walk you through the process step-by-step, so you can make one in no time.
DIY Bubble Wand
Make a bubble wand using pipe cleaners. These can be made into various shapes, including hearts and diamonds. Kids of different ages can make bubbles with help of an adult, or they can use their hands to create bubbles. Just be sure that your bubble wand is made of pipe cleaners of varying lengths, as it can get quite messy. Make sure that you skim off the foamy solution and keep your hands clean, as this will make the bubbles last longer.
Another fun DIY activity for children is to make their own bubble wands. A pipe cleaner is the perfect material for a bubble wand, since it can be easily twisted into a handle. Kids can also decorate the wands with colorful beads. These activities will keep them entertained for hours! And don’t forget the homemade bubble solution! You’ll soon find that your kids will never want to put it down.
If you want to keep your children busy with something different, try making a pipe cleaner-bead DIY bubble wand for your child. This is a fun and inexpensive DIY activity for children of all ages. Make Patriotic DIY Bubble Wands for the Independence Day or Fourth of July, and have fun blowing bubbles with your child! You can even make your own bubble wands out of recycled materials.